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Tree Removal Notifications

This page is updated every Monday. On weeks when Monday is an observed holiday, the page will be updated on Tuesday of that week.
In accordance with Public Works Code, Article 16, Section 806, a written appeal may be made in regards to the removal of a tree within 15 or 30 days of the posting date (depending on the posting period).  Appeals must state the grounds for the appeal and may be sent to or mailed to San Francisco Public Works Bureau of Urban Forestry, 49 South Van Ness Ave, Ste 1000, San Francisco, CA 94103.
Our aim at Public Works is for San Francisco to have a thriving, robust urban forest. 
That is why we always look for all alternatives before choosing tree removal or approving a property owner's request for removal. However, removals are sometimes necessary to protect public safety, first and foremost, and to navigate the many challenges of growing trees in an urban setting.
We always look to see if a street tree is replantable in its current location, or closest available site.  If we have explored all options and cannot replant a street tree, that means the basin is not in compliance with Public Works Director's Order 187,246, as well as with the Minimum Guidelines which can be found on the Plant a Street Tree page.  Some common considerations that limit street tree replanting include sidewalk width, proximity to any existing infrastructure (street lights, traffic lights, stop signs, bus stops, etc.) and conflicts with any underground utilities. 
If Location IS replantable, tree will be replaced unless conflict with underground utilities is found. If conflict is found, replacement will be relocated or added to deferred replacement report if replacement location not found within 120 days.
If Location is NOT replantable, Replacement will be relocated or added to deferred replacement report if replacement location not found within 120 days.
Please note, photos and descriptions will be removed once the posting period has expired. Contact or 628-652-TREE (8733) with questions or for more information.

Active Appeals at the Board of Appeals

Agenda District Address Appeal No. Hearing Date Description Permit and Hearing Nos. Links



  • District 2
    2942 Baker St

    Site: 2

    Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Removal of one tree (1) without replacement. The tree conflicts with current utilities (planting conflicts sewer/Utility (5ft)) and the location IS NOT replantable (relocate a Replacement).  The trees overall health is deteriorating with major deficiencies in the trunk. The trunk of the tree exhibits included bark, poor structure as well as cavities and decay in branches. The tree has poor growth pattern with weakening structural integrity. The tree basin location is too close to a sewer lateral/line, 5' ft. minimum required, so this basin site is not replantable. Tree site no. 1 will be replanted. The subject tree site no. 2 will be replaced nearby as a new location.

    Posting Period: 12/23/24 - 01/22/25

  • District 2
    3160 Jackson St.

    Site: 2

    Reason(s) for Tree Removal: New driveway will require removal of tree. Central tree is too close to adjacent trees and inhibiting growth of adjacent trees. Location is NOT replantable due to driveway and proximity to adjacent trees. In-lieu fee will be paid by owner. 

    Posting Period: 12/16/24 - 1/15/25

  • District 3
    1308 Leavenworth St

    Site: 2

    Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Tree has significant lean, unbalanced crown,  and a history of root pruning on tension side of lean. Evidence of past branch failure.   Location is NOT replantable. Replacement will be relocated or added to deferred replacement report if replacement location not found within 120 days

    Posting Period: 12/09/24 - 01/08/25

  • District 3
    1308 Leavenworth St

    Site: 3

    Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Tree has significant lean, unbalanced crown,  and a history of root pruning on tension side of lean. Evidence of past branch failure.  Signs of soil up lifting at base of tree. Location is NOT replantable. Replacement will be relocated or added to deferred replacement report if replacement location not found within 120 days

    Posting Period: 12/09/24 - 01/08/25

  • District 3
    1790 Van Ness Ave

    Site: 1

    Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Tree is in significant decline with crown dieback, exposed wood on trunk and canker at base of crown.Location IS replantable unless conflict with underground utilities is found. If conflict is found, replacement will be relocated or added to deferred replacement report if replacement location not found within 120 days. 

    Posting Period: 12/09/24 - 01/08/25

  • District 6
    111 Page St

    Site: 3

    Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Tree is unapproved species because of thorns.  Stump that must be removed for upcoming tree planting

    Posting Period: 12/09/24 - 01/08/25

  • District 10
    601 Innes Ave

    Site: 8,9,11,12

    Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Removal of four (4) street trees without replacement. Trees are in proposed footprint of new sidewalk and retaining wall that will be installed. A rock catchment fence will also be installed and will interfere with any trees below. Root pruning will destabilize the trees. Permit #798731 Permit address: 601 Innes Avenue. SF Public Works project. Basic project info can be found at:

    Posting Period: 12/23/24 - 01/22/25