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Street Dedication and Acceptance

At various times, new subdivisions are developed within the City and County of San Francisco. During the development of a subdivision, new roads and infrastructure may be required to support the development. The roads and infrastructure may be offered to the City as a right of way.



  1. During the development of a new sub-division, roadways and associated utility improvements may be required to support the new buildings. A developer can offer the roadway to the City as public right of way.
  2. The proposed subdivision requires a Tentative Map submittal which will show the right of way and improvements. The Tentative Map must indicate if the right of way is to be dedicated to the public.
  3. A Street Improvement Permit is required for the review, approval, construction, and inspection of the proposed right of way. In the review of the improvements, the following are the minimum requirements of the roadway/infrastructure design:
    • A minimum right of way width of forty (40) feet
    • A minimum roadway width of twenty-six (26) feet (curb face to curb face)
    • A minimum pavement section of two (2) inches of asphalt concrete wearing surface over six (6) inches of concrete for residential streets or two (2) inches of asphalt concrete wearing surface over eight (8) inches of concrete for arterials. For streets with grade of over 15%, the pavement section shall be concrete. Any alternative pavement section shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval.
    • Curbs are required at the edges of the pavement
    • A minimum sidewalk width of four (4) feet, unimpeded by obstructions
    • Street lighting shall be installed per illumination requirements as established by current IEEE standards. (Reviewed by PUC-BLHP)
    • Fire hydrants shall be installed per SFFD requirements
    • Roadway drainage shall be consistent with City and County of San Francisco drainage design
    • Water supply shall provide sufficient flow rate, capacity, and pressure, as determined by the San Francisco Water Department
    • San Francisco Public Utility Commission shall determine if separate or combined sanitary/storm is required for the sub-division
    • Utilities shall be undergrounded
  4. During the Street Improvement Permitting process, the project sponsor shall submit:
    • Subdivision map(s)
    • Public Improvement Agreement and associated bonds (if required)
    • A-17 maps
    • Any other documents required by the City and County Surveyor
  5. Upon completion of the work, and approval per Inspection procedures 13.2.25, Public Works will provide a letter stating that the infrastructure work was constructed per the approved plans and City Standards on the completion date as noted by Inspection Staff. The City Attorney's Office will require a Grant Deed and/or an Offer of Dedication filed with the County Recorder to quitclaim the land to the City, if not already completed as part of the Street Improvement Permitting process.
  6. Upon request and after the completion of the project, the project sponsor may request that the replacement bond be adjusted and reissued for a maintenance bond. The Maintenance Bond is required for 3 years after the completion of the infrastructure improvements. During this time, the project sponsor is responsible for maintenance of the infrastructure.
  7. Legislation is drafted for the incorporation of the land as right of way and to accept the maintenance responsibility of the infrastructure improvements. The legislation shall include the following:
    • A copy of the recorded subdivision map creating the right of way
    • The A-17 map (on mylar in 18" x 26" format)
    • The Q-20 map showing sidewalk width and sidewalk grades
    • Copy of Maintenance Bond and Maintenance Agreement (if any)
    • Director's Order introducing the legislation
    • Letter from us confirming the infrastructure has been constructed per approved plans and City Standards
    • Plans of the infrastructure improvements
  8. Board of Supervisors will take appropriate action and if approved, the Mayor has 30 days to sign the legislation. Should the Mayor sign the legislation, the Ordinance becomes effective 30 days after his/her signature.
  9. Public Works will be responsible for the maintenance of this new right of way (3) years after the completion date.