Reason(s) for Tree Removal: New driveway will require removal of tree. Central tree is too close to adjacent trees and inhibiting growth of adjacent trees. Location is NOT replantable due to driveway and proximity to adjacent trees. In-lieu fee will be paid by owner.
Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Removal of three (3) Chinese elm trees by the property owner (permit no. 795150). The three trees have severe leans, poor structure and unstable rooting. The three trees will be removed and replaced by the property owner as required by our Urban Forestry Ordinance: the trees were not propertly established following planting. Property owner needs to start over with these three trees, and a new three-year establishment window will be started.
Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Tree in significant decline, 5% live crown. Location is NOT replantable. Replacement will be relocated or added to deferred replacement report if replacement location not found within 120 days.
Reason(s) for Tree Removal: Significant decline with 10% live yellowing crown. Tree has Arbutus canker and will continue to decline. Location IS replantable unless conflict with underground utilities is found. If conflict is found, replacement will be relocated or added to deferred replacement report if replacement location not found within 120 days.