San Francisco is committed to planning for and adapting to the anticipated and unavoidable impacts of climate change (sea level rise (SLR) inundating 6% of the city by end-of-century) in an innovative manner that boosts the local economy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A strategic focus on the immediate and long-term threats of SLR and associated coastal flooding led to the City’s 2014 “Guidance for Incorporating Sea Level Rise into Capital Planning in San Francisco” (CPC Guidance). In 2015, Mayor Lee established the SLR Coordinating Committee with representatives from major City departments whose responsibilities and assets will likely be impacted by SLR. This Sea Level Rise Action Plan (Action Plan) is the Committee’s first task and a key element in San Francisco’s comprehensive SLR Resiliency Program (see below). Strategic partnerships and collaborations with local and regional stakeholders will be essential for successful adaptation planning and implementation.
Read the Sea Level Rise Action Plan.