Additional event information here.
The Bayview Gateway project is an effort to identify and beautify the entrances to our Southeast neighborhood. A local community group, together with Supervisor Malia Cohen, are leading a public engagement and design effort to identify and beautify the entrances to the Bayview neighborhood. The Bayview encompasses some of San Francisco's premier ecological and cultural landmarks including Bayview Hill, a natural hill that sits at the southeast entrance to the City. Recognizing that the Bayview community is the gateway to San Francisco, the Bayview Gateway project is an effort to unify and create area recognition when entering our Southeast neighborhood.
In 2016, the Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association, supported by San Francisco Public Works and design services by the renowned design, architecture, engineering and planning firm HOK, spearheaded an effort to identify strategic locations and significant design elements using existing open spaces.
During the course of several community meetings the idea was introduced and a large gathering of neighborhood residents and stakeholders identified a set of themes that visually articulate the area's expressions of identity and character, ecology and seasonality, and historical context and culture. Design elements were developed and created as a "kit of parts" that included plants and trees along with hardscape concepts that might be applied to sites identified as entrances to the neighborhood.
Mosaic Workshops will be hosted at Public Glass on December 12th & 13th, 2020 10am-2pm. Join the Public Glass team to learn how to make glass/ceramic mosaics and help create samples for the final project design.
Additional Resources
Supervisor Shamann Walton
Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association
SF Public Works